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Serious motor vehicle accidents often leave victims with long-term injuries and psychological trauma. Our award-winning team of car accident attorneys has achieved excellent results for accident victims and their loved ones for nearly 30 years.
When a life is suddenly cut short due to the carelessness or negligence of another surviving family members are left to deal with the loss of a loved one’s emotional and financial support. A fatal accident can be a life-altering and one of the most difficult things a family can experience.
Seattle attorney Chris Davis is considered by many to be the top dog bite attorney in Washington state. In fact, in 2010 Washington Super Lawyer Magazine featured Mr. Davis in an articled entitled: When The Dog Bites….It’s Time to Call in Christopher M. Davis. Mr. Davis literally wrote the book on civil dog bite law, When The Dog Bites: The Essential Guide To Dog Bite Claims In Washington.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to someone else’s negligence, you may benefit from the assistance of a personal injury attorney to recover financial compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering you have experienced as a result. We have helped injured people in Washington state and across the country since 1994.
If the negligence of a business or corporation, or one of its employees or agents, causes injury or harm to an individual through no fault of their own, that business may be responsible for the medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages that were caused by the accident. Pursuing legal action against a corporation may be especially difficult without the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney.
Filing a lawsuit against the state, a county or a municipality is not like suing a corporation or individual. There are special procedures and specific court rules that are required when suing a governmental entity. As the victim of negligence by a governmental entity you must be very careful in filing a claim as special rules apply and if you fail to follow those rules, the courts may decline to hear your case and you could be left with nothing. Learn more about suing the government.
Insurance companies often delay, deny or defend against legitimate accident claims. If you are frustrated with the unethical settlement tactics by Allstate, State Farm, Farmers, Liberty Mutual, American Family, Progressive, USAA, Safeco, Pemco, Geico, Esurance, Nationwide, or another insurance company you may need the help of an attorney.
When children are injured due to the negligence, recklessness, or malice of others, it is only right that we demand and fight for justice. Cases involving injury to children are more complicated than those involving adults for a number of reasons. Our attorneys have handled countless child injury claims involving various types of negligence.
The injuries and other damages that can result from a train accident are often devastating. Navigating the legal process after a train accident that was caused by negligence can be difficult without legal help. Most notably, Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers was retained to represent several victims of the 2017 Amtrak derailment in DuPont, WA.
If you are injured or suffer a serious illness after taking a prescription or over-the-counter drug or medication, it is in your best interests to consult with our experienced personal injury attorneys about your legal rights and options. We help injured victims recover the compensation they deserve for their injuries and other losses.
Injuries suffered from a workplace accident can come with a number of legal issues in Washington state, due to the fact that state law prohibits employees from suing their own employers directly. In situations where a person has been injured due to the negligence of a contractor or subcontractor who was hired by the injured person’s employer, the injured person may still be able to pursue a claim. Contact our attorneys to learn more about your legal rights after a workplace accident.
Property owners (businesses, homeowners, or government entities) have a duty to provide a safe environment for people on their premises. Premises liability attorneys handle civil litigation cases in which a property owner, landowner or landlord may be responsible for accidents and injuries that occur on their property.
Bedsores, medication errors, malnutrition, abuse, and neglect are among the federal health and safety violations that jeopardize nursing home patients. Families who uncover abuse of a loved one while under the care of a nursing home facility may pursue legal action against the care provider. We can help you understand your legal rights and options for pursuing a claim against a nursing home or care facility.
Medical malpractice is professional negligence by act or omission by a health care provider in which care provided deviates from accepted standards of practice in the medical community and causes injury or death to the patient.
There are other kinds of personal injury cases handled by the attorneys at Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers that don’t necessarily fall into the common types of civil litigation. We partner with law firms across the country to handle class action cases involving injuries from defective drugs and medical devices, defective vehicles and parts, and many more.
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