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Being injured in a car accident caused by an elderly driver can be a very traumatic experience, especially considering the cost of medical bills and other damages that typically result from serious collisions.
Bringing a personal injury claim against a senior citizen or an elderly driver can be difficult to come to terms with, especially if you feel empathy for the driver. State law entitles you to recover financial compensation for your injuries and other losses, and pursuing a claim may be the only way to ensure your medical bills are paid and not sent to collections.
If you or a loved one has been hurt in a collision, we will review your potential case free of charge and schedule you for a free legal consultation if we believe we can help. Call our office at 206-727-4000 or use the confidential contact form on this page to have your case reviewed for free.
Attorney Chris Davis has experience handling cases in which a senior citizen caused a serious or fatal car accident. He is one of the most respected and recognized lawyers in Washington State. Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers has been named Best Injury Law Firm in Washington State by AI Dispute Resolution Awards and Best Traffic Accident Firm in Washington State by Legal Elite for commitment and excellence in serious motor vehicle accident claims.
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured by a senior citizen that cause an accident in Washington State, contact Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers at 206-727-4000 for a case review or to schedule a free legal consultation.
Whether it’s necessary to hire a car accident attorney after a car accident caused by an elderly driver depends upon several unique factors relating to your case. How badly were you injured? Is liability being disputed? What is the prognosis for your recovery? How long have you been out of work?
The answers to each of these questions – plus many others – will help determine whether or not you would benefit from legal representation. Our attorneys offer a free case review & legal consultation to injured victims and can help you answer these questions and determine if a lawyer can increase your chances of a successful outcome.
As people get older, their senses diminish and eyesight, hearing, coordination, and reaction time can become diminished. Despite these challenges, many elderly drivers maintain their driving privileges longer than may be appropriate, putting innocent drivers and pedestrians at risk of being injured in a collision.
Conducting a proper investigation into your car accident case can help uncover the range of factors that may have contributed to the accident, helping to establish clear liability (fault) and put pressure on the driver’s insurer to cooperate and offer you fair compensation for your injuries.
License Restrictions for Senior Citizens
Washington state law requires elderly drivers to renew their driver’s license every six years, which is both helpful and problematic. It’s a positive that elderly drivers are required to update their license regularly, but a lot can change over six years and therefore there is always a risk that an elderly driver may be incapable of driving safely despite having a valid license.
Elderly drivers may sometimes have restrictions on their driver’s licenses designed to ensure they are not a danger to themselves or the public. Some of the common restrictions impacting elderly drivers include requiring corrective lenses, permitted and restricted driving times, restrictions on the freeway and highway driving, and requiring the installation of a mechanical safety device or special pedals.
Client Reviews
Our experience with the Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers was positive from the first moment we consulted with Chris Davis. Chris Davis was attentive, thorough, and helpful throughout a very difficult time. Our paralegal was with us every step of the way with insight and compassion, always responding quickly and effectively with any questions or issues as they arose. I highly recommend the Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers.
Scott P.
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