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I recently returned from a one-week visit to Germany to work on an injury case for a client that lives in the Stuttgart area. My last visit to Germany pre-dates my career as a trial attorney. As someone with a great level of professional experience with regard to car accident injury claims, on this trip I couldn’t help but pay special attention to the differences between U.S. and German road rules and accident statistics.
One thing that my wife and I instantly noticed is that trucks (delivery trucks, semi truck, tractor trailer, big rigs, 18 wheeler, log trucks) in Germany are restricted to the right lane of the highway, and car traffic can move quickly and safely in the remaining lanes. The only downside to this is that caravans on large trucks in the right lane can easily block the road signs which makes it easy to get lost. It is also interesting to note that Germany has highway speed limits for trucks that are substantially lower than the limits for cars. It is also illegal to pass on the right on German streets and highways (including the Autobahn). Slow moving vehicles must always move to the right, and faster vehicles may pass on the left only. The right lane must be used when it is free, and the left lane is generally intended for passing maneuvers only.
Drivers using the left lane when the other lanes are free can be ticketed/fined. Passing on the right is strictly forbidden, except in traffic jams where it may be practiced with caution. Not allowing faster cars to pass your car if the traffic situation allows it is also forbidden. It is unlawful for a driver to stop their vehicle on the road for any reason except in an emergency or situations where stopping is unavoidable, such as in the event of an accident. Running out of gas is considered preventable and is punishable by a ticket/fine. By the way, we have many of the same rules or law in the United States, they just aren’t enforced.
It is rare to see a dented, smoking junk car in Germany. The German government must approve the ‘roadworthiness’ of all cars and trucks. Without an approval sticker, a vehicle can’t be licensed or driven. Cars have been known to fail inspection for having a single rust spot or dent in a critical location, and a broken light or a malfunctioning exhaust system would be obvious reasons for rejection.
One final and important difference between driving in the United States and Germany relates to the rights afforded to victims who have been injured in an accident. The team of car accident attorneys at Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers are licensed to practice in Washington state. In Washington, the law permits accident victims to recover financial compensation for the injuries and other damages they have suffered resulting from an auto accident, and Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers has helped injury victims in Washington and across the United States for nearly 30 years. In Germany, laws and legal procedure are likely to vary from those in Washington state. You should consult with an attorney who is licensed in the jurisdiction where the incident occurred. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident in Washington state, call Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers at 206-727-4000 or use the confidential contact form on this page to request a free case review. Our team will help you better understand your legal rights and options for pursuing a personal injury claim against the person responsbile for your injuries and other damages.
Award-winning attorney Chris Davis has written a series of FREE books about car accident and other personal injury cases in Washington state. These books answer common legal questions that people and their loved ones may have about their legal rights, including how to handle your claim on your own and when you might need an attorney’s help.Get your complimentary copy of “The Ten Biggest Mistakes That Can Wreck Your Washington Accident Case” absolutely free by clicking the “Order Now” button below.
The Washington Accident Books™ is a collection of books, reports, and other materials designed to educate the public about the nature of accidents and the legal rights of injury victims.
The Washington Accident Books™ were created as a public service for Washington state residents and is sponsored by award-winning author and attorney Chris Davis of Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers
If you’ve been injured in Seattle, WA, and need legal assistance, contact Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers. Contact our legal team and schedule a free consultation with a car accident lawyer today. We proudly serve King County in Washington and it’s surrounding areas. Visit our law office at:
Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers
2101 4th Ave 1030 Seattle, WA 98121
(206) 727 4000
Hours: Open 24/7
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