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The catastrophic injury attorneys at Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers in Seattle successfully negotiated a record $14 Million settlement for an injured worker who had her leg amputated below the knee.
A woman’s leg was crushed between a powered industrial truck and a cargo dolly while working as a cargo handler. An untrained coworker accidentally pinned her while driving in reverse.
The defendants denied fault, and argued the woman was at fault for allowing her untrained coworker to drive the vehicle. The defendants also argued she did not jump out of the way in time. Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers argued the defendant parties were responsible for ensuring the coworker was trained and supervised and they were therefore solely responsible for the accident.
Plaintiff claimed that defendants were at fault for failing to provide plaintiff with a safe work place and failing to properly train its employees. Defendants denied that the accident resulted from an unsafe work place.
The woman’s leg was ultimately amputated. She suffered complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder (MDD). The woman had to undergo nine (9) separate surgeries including 3 surgeries to repair and modify the stump so it could fit inside a suitable prosthetic without ongoing pain and limitations.
The case was heavily litigated at the trial court level and included multiple motions for discretionary review.
Davis Law Group Car Accident and Personal Injury Lawyers represented the injured woman and litigated the case over a period of three (3) years. The case was settled at mediation. Chris Davis and Kyle Jones represented the injured woman.
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